-Our Mission-
“Secular Funds. Driving Education. Uplifting Society.”

Three Pillars -Theory of Change
Pillar One
- Economically Sustainable Models
In order for impact or change to be regionally or globally scalable, it need to also be economically scalable and market based, in other words, Profitable.
Capitalism is not perfect, However RABAF believes that it can be better and would like to fund the projects that are creating positive impact while simultaneously creating profit. Social entrepreneurship, Impact investing and responsible capitalism are some common terms to describe this.
RABAF actively searches out the entrepreneurs creating these innovations and supports them at the early stages of their venture. Through startup competitions, and direct investments (PRIs and MRIs ).
Program-related investments (PRIs) are those in which:
The primary purpose is to accomplish one or more of the foundation's exempt purposes,
Production of income or appreciation of property is not a significant purpose, and
Influencing legislation or taking part in political campaigns on behalf of candidates is not a purpose
Mission-related Investments (MRIs) are typically loans, guarantees, equity and limited partnership investments to for-profit entities that advance important mission priorities. MRIs are typically provided at below-market investment returns to leverage additional sources of catalytic capital.
Pillar Two
- Non Traditional Education
Fund and financially support innovative projects that bring sustainable educational systems, specifically focusing on developing countries.
Funding of education on non-traditional subjects such as Personal Finance Management, Environmental Issues, Corruption culture and Predatory Organizations, is a severely underserved need in these developing countries.
Access to this knowledge gives individuals the skills to actively change their situation in the short term.
Pillar Three
- Secular Support
Providing support and funding from a secular perspective, shows these developing and vulnerable populations that being a good person does not hinge on a belief in a higher power, and that they as individuals are capable of determining their own futures.
Organized religion too often preys on impoverished populations to increase their following, power and profits. It is long overdue to teach useful skills that allow these individuals to make their own choices about faith and have the education and resources to bring themselves out of poverty.

Dollars Gifted to RABAF’s mission since its founding.
Dollars Gifted since 2007
TOTAL GIFTS SINCE 2007 OF $4,497,000
** The foundation has historically given mostly to USA based non-profits. However, our focus is changing to drive education in developing countries where the human rights violations are more prevalent and the presence of secular support is less common. We believe that here, our dollars will go farther to inspire positive change and empower individuals.