Our Mission

Secular funds driving educational innovation to foster civil rights, support endangered women and children, while combating bigotry and hate.

Pillar Number One

Fund and financially support innovative projects that bring sustainable educational systems, specifically focusing on developing countries.

Pillar Number Two

An educational uplift for developing populations will drive positive change and awareness related to:

  • Providing opportunities to the most vulnerable population

  • Endangered women and children

  • Promoting civil rights

  • Countering bigotry and hate

  • Empowering a skilled workforce and a positive feedback cycle of prosperity and civil freedoms for the individuals

Pillar Number Three

Providing support and funding from a secular angle, shows these developing and vulnerable populations that doing good and being a good person does not hinge on a belief in a higher power, and that they as individuals are capable of determining their own futures.

Organized religion too often preys on vulnerable populations to increase their base and profits. It is long overdue to educate these populations so that they make their own choices and have the education and resources to bring themselves out of poverty.

Dollars Gifted to RABAF’s mission since its founding.

Dollars Gifted since 2007

TOTAL GIFTS SINCE 2007 OF $4,497,000

** The foundation has historically given mostly to USA based non-profits. However, our focus is changing to drive education in developing countries where the human rights violations are more prevalent and the presence of secular support is less common. We believe that here, our dollars will go farther to inspire positive change and empower individuals.